Hitachi S-3400N SEM
The Hitachi S-3400N SEM is a high performance, user-friendly scanning electron microscope that can provide images with nanoscale resolution and chemical information of the samples. It has a unique VP-mode that allows microscopy of wet, oily and non-conductive samples in their natural state without the need of conventional sample preparation. Image resolution is 3.0 nm resolution guaranteed in high vacuum mode or 4.0 nm in VP-mode. The chamber can accommodate 10 inch samples and has a fully eucentric, 5 axis computer controlled motorized stage. There are five detectors associated with the instrument including secondary electron (SE), backscattered secondary electron (BSE), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), cathodoluminescence (CL).
This instrument is housed in IATL 198 and is managed by Jackie Feng and Michael Sinnwell.