The JEOL JSM-1T700HR Scanning Electon Microscope enable visualization of nanomaterials/nanostructures and provides chemical analysis, elemental mapping, particle size distribution, and rapid phase identification.  The system provide high resolution of engineering and natural samples with resolution at the nanometer level.  Flexibility in the stage provides capabilities for a range of materials, including larger samples.  Integrated Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) with live analysis enables rapid chemical mapping of the sample and the Smile View Lab sofware enalbes fast and flexible report generation.  The system is also equipped with Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) and Cathodluminescence (CL) Detectors to provide information on crystallographic orientation, phase, defects, doping, and impurities in the sample.  Additional software is available for rapid mineralogic identification.

This instrument is located in IATL 170 and is managed by Drs. Michael Sinnwell and Jackie Feng.