M-2000x Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
The M-2000X Ellipsometer is manufactured by J.A. Woollam and is designed to evaluate thin film thickness and optical constants. It can measure the deposition of sub-nanometer to micro thin films and provide information on the refractive index and the extinction coefficient of the material. While this instrument is primarily used to evaluate optical coatings and semiconductors, it can also be used to evaluate photovoltaic and biological materials.
This instrument is housed in IATL 172 and is managed by Schaffer Finney.
Instrument Specifications
• Spectral Range: 240 – 1000 nm
• Lamp(s): 75W Xenon arc
• Automated Translation Stage: 150mm x 150mm with XY Mapping
• Focusing Optics (Focused beam size = 150μm)
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